Revision Piece for Strategic Figure Style Exercise

Cancer, there is no happy feeling when I hear this word. Instead, I visualize a colossal rush of lethal fumes from the erupted ticking boom . Hearing people screaming and fearing diagnoses of the destructible boom instead them. Others have to deal with the agony of hearing friends and loved ones received the traumatic “positive” prognoses. From first-hand experience, the agony of the awaited explosion is deadly in of itself. Some take pride in the fact that they have defused the bomb, and in the process have learned the task of perseverance. However, knowing that thousands have not defused the bomb and the horrific feeling of suspense as everyday there is no certainty that the explosion will be today, this hour, this year. This bomb is so strong and deadly it slowly affects the human body’s ability to stay alive, creates undesirable malformations,and have stolen the lives of many through various an almost endless amount- to get cancer. Cancer is in fact a giant ticking bomb, and one thing is for sure, the bomb will go off. Let’s disarm the bomb; everyone would love to be able to say that they have a solution to stop the explosion of cancer, but it’s a slow and hurtful process. The bottom line is that millions are dying and the current treatments are just biding time for patients but not giving valuable solutions. The ticking bomb needs to be destroyed.

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